The Powerpackers

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The Powerpackers 0 0 5 1.0
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

thorongil1 1

This deck is a power deck.

The contract perfectly fits the deck and heros, in that threat isn't a huge problem, and neither is healing in the beginning (if you are careful and conservative with Treebeard. Plus there are benefits to damaged ents. On side B, there are really only two to three cards in the deck that are necessary, and you should aim to get at least one in your starting hand: Strider is really helpful on Treebeard, Self Preservation as many as possible on Treebeard, and probably either Ioreth if you are willing to pay, or Daughter of the Nimrodel if you are a cheapskate. Try to flip At the End of All Things as soon as possible (or the fourth turn) and get the best healing cards you can. The benefit of damaging one hero to ready the other, is usually quickly outweighed by the need for healing.

I have thrown in a lot of healing in ally and attachment form. A lot of the attachments are arbitrary such as Athelas and Half-pint (but I would keep Song of Healing in case of an emergency), as well as some allies like: Dale Messenger, and Galadhrim Healer.

I have included pretty much all the reasonable ent allies, to go with the ent trend. Other important allies include:

-Gléowine to increase card draw and hopefully get some of the three necessary attachments before turn four.

-Good ol' Defender of Rammas because of their great ability to repel even formidable attacks. These are probably my favorite allies.

-Haleth and Master of the Forge are indispensable for getting important attachments.

-I always keep Landroval around in case an accident happens with one of my heros.

-In my opinion, Mirkwood Explorer is the ultimate quester. Another card I always add.

That about sums it up with the description for now. I haven't had a lot of time to heavily test this deck yet, but it has destroyed enough scenarios for me to know it has a lot of potential. I will continue to play and update it, and I hope it is useful for you!