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Aurion 882

Your typical Gondor/Outlands deck. The only off-trait ally here is Galadriel as she is very sueful for digging out either Steward of Gondor or Prince of Dol Amroth for some extra resources and Lord of Morthond or Rod of the Steward for some much needed card draw. She can also help you line up your deck so you know you won't whiff with Hunter of Lamedon.

I prefer to use Sword of Morthond on Angbor the Fearless as you can get two uses of his stats once your threat is over 40, but don't forget it can go on any Gondor ally - they don't have to be unique, so if you have got an Anfalas Herdsman or two out, don't be afraid to put it on the Errand-rider or Herald of AnĂ³rien.

The strategy is to load up Hirluin the Fair with Steward of Gondor and feed him Denethor's resource each round so he can pay for the off-sphere outlands allies. Once the errand-rider comes out, you can also start moving over Imrahil's resource too. In combat, you want to chump block with your outlands allies as they can be retrieved with Men of the West and then draw some cards using Valiant Sacrifice and don't forget to ready Prince Imrahil after the ally leaves play. You can take a few hits with Denethor early on but there is no shadow cancellation in this deck so you probably want to mainly defend with allies.

If you have to use Bulwark of the West at any point, try to make sure you do it to get an extra readying out of Prince Imrahil.

For Gondor! is largely for when the Knights of the Swan are still lurking in your deck and you need that extra bt of attack power, but don't forget that it also boosts all Gondor characters' too! I also noticed that the Hunter of Lamedon has both the Gondor and Outlands traits, so if you have all of your Warriors of Lossarnach then the hunter defends for 5 ! If you give Faramir the Sword of Morthond, he can be defneding for 6 after you play For Gondor!

All in all, I've had some success so far in solo, but I can see this being a great deck for multiplayer as other than Steward of Gondor, it's unlikely to conflict with too many other decks. Galadriel could be swapped out for Gandalf if necessary and you could swap Faramir out easily enough for any other Gondor ally. The Pelargir Ship Captain, Envoy of Pelargir or another errand-rider wouldn't be a bad bet to help more with resource smoothing. If someone else has big plans for Steward of Gondor, you could try Resourceful instead. With Denethor's extra 2 resources at the beginning, the first copy essentially costs 2 (outside of secrecy). Another card you could try instead is Necklace of Girion.