Two and a Half Men

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Huevobeans 46

Just got my Lost Realm box, so I've been tinkering with the T-Aragorn + L-Pippin core. The main goal of the deck is to use cards in an aggressive manner and use this synergy to refuel our hand.

I've been playing around with T-Merry(and it's a more streamlined version), but having the possibility to use ally Halbarad seemed too spicy to leave it.

As I described before, the deck uses plenty of cheap, aggressive cards that handle combat, and uses Pippin as a draw engine. Cards like Entangling Nets, Bilbo's Plan, and DĂșnedain Hunter aren't exciting on more aggressive shells because they tend to be burned through too fast; however, with Pippin we get to keep up in cards.

(MotK) Halbarad is an unorthodox choice to pair with Pippin, his high starting threat might seem counterintuitive when combined with Hobbits(since they tend to want to avoid combat), but, when considering that we'll be actively looking for it, it's easy to see how he's actually a very nice addition to the line-up.

The deck is geared towards combat, both attack, and defense. As such deck type, we still need help in the questing department(our early defenses might be a bit loose, so it might be good to have a partner deck with an early game defender).

Another take for this synergy would be forgoing Pippin in place of Sam Gamgee. This change would allow for the deck to become a bit more streamlined(although we lose the card advantage engine) and gives us access to a versatile hero that can rock Sting like no other.

(Sideboard is me forgetting to cut the maybeboard before publishing the list)


Oct 04, 2021 doomguard 2047

does halbarads ability take place before checking pippins ability while engaging?

i think not, because it says "....each enemy engaed with you..." (process of engaging is done) and pippin "...after you engage..." (during process of engaging the engagement cost must be higher.

or is there some rulesreference say otherwise?

Oct 04, 2021 Huevobeans 46

From my research, it works because it's a static ability, and, as the response triggers, it sees the +10 to engagement cost.

Oct 05, 2021 doomguard 2047

o.k. then nice deck and bad wording....