One deck to rule them all!

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
The One Deck 837 670 149 1.0
Inspiration for
2Player - Gandalf 0 0 0 1.0
EoGafindel 0 0 0 1.0
One deck to rule them all! 0 0 0 1.0
Pats Solo3 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

jban 950

alt text

Inspired by The One Deck by Seastan. I wanted to build a deck that was capable of defeating every single quest available. For my campaign, I included the following rules.

  • Each quest will be played in the hardest mode available.
  • No cards will be taken out (due to objective allies/heroes).
  • No sideboard is used.
  • No Vilya deck.

The final rule was only included because Seastan has already demonstrated that his Vilya deck could beat them all.


  1. Heroes
  2. Overview
  3. Quest Log
  4. Strategy
  5. Card Set
  6. Improvements

1. Heroes

Building a deck for this campaign, puts a lot of restrictions on what you can actually include in your deck. Before you select your heroes, a decision has to be made on what spheres you want to run. Due to the nature of the campaign you are forced into a specific direction.

  • Cancellation and threat management 'forces' you to include Spirit.
  • Healing 'forces' you to include Lore. So the hero choice is narrowed down to Spirit - Lore - ...

Next, I considered the first round requirements. The raw stats on your heroes need to be able to withstand a combat and quest intensive start. If I translate this down to the numbers, I concluded:

  • 9+ Combined .
  • 7+ Combined + on a single hero.
  • 6+ Combined on a pair of heroes.

To fullfil both the sphere conditions and the raw stat conditions, the possible hero line-ups are narrowed down tremendously. As a staple hero, I believe one has to go with either Elrond, Gandalf or Treebeard. The 3 most expensive heroes in the game all provide a lot of the required stats and support the / combination well. I chose Gandalf because of his access to all 4 spheres and his drawing mechanism.

Because Gandalf has access to the lore cards we need so much, I wanted to include a spirit hero. Cancellation from the top of the deck is possible, but cannot be relied on through the entire campaign. I went for Glorfindel because he is cheap, gives me 5 , 6 stats I can use every round and access to Asfaloth which can come in handy for some location control. Finally, a last hero (with at least 3 willpower) need to be selected. I had to go for Éowyn! Her cost of only 6 and special ability made it an easy choice. She is able to produce the required amount of willpower, and could kill nearly everything in the first rounds.

So in the end, the not that surprising line-up of Gandalf, Glorfindel and Éowyn was put together for the challenge.

2. Overview

The deck plays 'fairly' simple, I believe. Normally, you look for (playable) resource acceleration in your opening hand, once you have that accomplished you start to bring out the allies or action advantage. Learning what ally to play, will need some time. But after a few plays, I believe the proper choices will be made most of the times.

General problems you might face:

3. Quest Log

I made a screenshot after each game I won, so in the following Link you find all the images. Here you can also find the amount of attempts I needed to win it all.

End of Game Images + Attempt log

4. Strategy

Opening hand: Mulligan for a hand that provides a lot of playability. Having knowledge on the 7th card that you will draw, will help you on this decision. In case you start with a poor hand after your mulligan, keep in mind there are 2 Word of Command and Gather Information in the deck. When these show up on top of your deck, you can fetch the card that will get the deck running. As a result of this, I almost never had a poor start.

Early Game: The first rounds you should just focus on limiting the damage. Play the solid moves, eg. A Burning Brand, Unexpected Courage, Bilbo Baggins, Arwen Undómieln, Rider of Rohan, Light of Valinor and (if possible) a side quest. Steward of Gondor should go onto Glorfindel, unless you have The Storm Comes in play. Then, it usually goes onto Gandalf.

Mid Game: A common mid-game scenario gives you 14 , 1 defense on 3, and 7 . So now it is only to improve your game state without exposing it. Bring the more expensive allies into play and get the necessary location control and healing.

Late Game: Prepare for the final boss, or make sure you can cancel and don't threat out. Usually the late game is fairly obvious.

5. Card Set


Gandalf (1x)

Gandalf is one of the staple heroes of the game and the focus of this deck. I consider him as one of the 3 staple heroes that will always be part of a deck like this. His access to all spheres, Gandalf's Staff and Word of Command provide him with the tools to make a deck like this work. Important as well is that A Burning Brand and Narya can be played. Which provides early shadow protection and grants you access to the Steward of Gondor if it was part of your opening hand.

Glorfindel (1x)

Glorfindel is one of those other top tier heroes that is already for a long time in the game. The mere -cost of 5, gives a low starting threat and compensates for Gandalf. With Light of Valinor your threat will remain low and Glorfindel's can be used.

Éowyn (1x)

The version of Éowyn is probably the better one for a solo-game. She comes with a net -value of 6 and provides 4 from the start. Her ability to attack for 10 is very useful in the early game for killing an annoying Orc you started with or a late game kill on one of the tough boss enemies. Don't be afraid to use this ability. It helps tremendously in the early game, and is therefore always considered as an option. By including as my second sphere, I have a bit more flexibility on how to use the neutral resources from Gandalf.


Arwen Undómiel (1x)

A 2 cost unique ally, that provides a lot of defense to this deck. Usually all the readying attachments go onto Gandalf, so providing him with an additional defense is great. I included only a single copy of her because I have quite some defensive option, but a second copy might be useful.

Beorn (1x)

Pure Power, both offensive as defensive

Bilbo Baggins (1x)

The only reason we include him, is because he will fetch us that pipe we want so dearly. A single copy suffices. His 2 is very useful, but due to his uniqueness and Bilbo Baggins, Bilbo Baggins I believe no more than one copy should be included.

Déorwine (1x)

Initially I considered him the lesser one compared with Jubayr. But because Jubayr is unique and I really wanted 2 shadow proof defenders I included him. After playing through the entire campaign, my opinion on Déorwine has changed. His ability is not limited in any sense. You can use him as often as you like and you can use it on any enemy. Which makes him the more solid one of the two, if you can afford the resources.

Elfhelm (1x)

Elfhelm is a good ally in my eyes. His ability is pure gold in some scenarios, so including him is a no-brainer. Threat is a problem in quite some amount of quests, and despite only starting with 25, his ability has proven its value.

Firyal (1x)

Killing surge, scrying the deck and 3 willpower is easily worth the 5 resources. Getting her into play may need some planning, but is usually worth it.

Gimli (1x)

Gimli was taken as a lesser alternative to the Rider of Rohan. Sure he can also defend, but with the amount of defense stacked in this deck he became obsolete. Last ally to leave my hand.

Jubayr (1x)

Jubayr is a fine ally. He has proven his value in the immediate attacks while revealing/engaging an enemy. I consider him still better as Déorwine, though the difference is not as big as I anticipated.

Rider of Rohan (3x)

This is a great ally I think. A 3 cost ally which is not harmed by 'exhaust' effects, provides 2 willpower and 2 attack. The 4 side quests included make this ally a very reliable companion.

Saruman (1x)

Saruman might seem a strange ally to include, but there were quite some moments in which he brought saviour. Aside from the last resort moments, he also has proved very useful in releasing guarded cards.

Treebeard (1x)

Does not need that much explanation I guess. Flexible, strong defense, strong attack and built-in readying.

Vigilant Dúnadan (2x)

I included this guy because I feared some surge streaks or when revealed effects to put loads of enemies engaged with me. This happened me only 2 times, but in both cases I was already well equipped. So I think a single copy (of maybe even none) would not make that much of a difference to this deck.

Warden of Healing (2x)

A must include, I believe. Though I think it is pretty bold to only include 2. The Vigilant Guard takes a lot of pressure from the healers and alongside Narya the healers can be used very efficiently.

Yazan (1x)

The last unique Harad ally also made the deck. His 3 for 5 cost is fairly high, but the direct damage he gives has be proven useful to take out some nasty enemies that you prefer to not engage.


A Burning Brand (2x) Solid shadow protection, which can be used up to 5x a round if all readying is attached to Gandalf. Two copies are included to have it available in the early mid-game.

Asfaloth (1x)

The only card included which can actually explore locations. Asfaloth is only needed in very few scenarios and with all deck searching options. A single copy suffices.

Gandalf's Staff (3x)

A Card you must include 3 times. Increasing cards and resources is great and aside from that you can protect against shadows. Having 3 copies in your deck also makes it not that much of a burden to drop it because of some engage or shadow effect.

Light of Valinor (2x)

Included it only 2 times. Strong card which always comes up handy. Because of the low starting threat and high amount of readying, having Light of Valinor in the early mid-game was sufficient.

Mariner's Compass (1x)

A single copy to assist Thror's Map and Asfaloth to take care fo the brutal locations. It fits well on the rider of Rohan and can also release guarded cards. Mariner compass has helped tremendously on many occasions, so its single copy is highly valued. Finally, the compass has also proved his worth when he swapped locations with the Time Keyword.

Narya (2x)

One of those cards that fits very well. Recurred healing/defense or attack is always welcome. Aside from that, giving Gandalf Leadership also makes him play a few more cards that don't need to be on top of your deck.

Shadowfax (1x)

Just a single copy in addition to Unexpected Courage.

Steward of Gondor (2x)

Two copies, because you normally cannot play it without it being on top of your deck. Usually it goes onto Glorfindel, but Gandalf also makes sense very often.

Thror's Map (1x)

Another card that helps you when locations start to pose a problem. Just one copy because of it's uniqueness. Alongside Mariner's Compass and Asfaloth, I have 3 options available on taking out the annoying locations.

Unexpected Courage (3x)

Using Gandalf as much as possible. By providing him with a burning brand, and having Word of Command and Narya in your deck, all action advantage on Gandalf is very usefull. Usually one or two copies are played in the first few rounds.

Vigilant Guard (1x) One of those cards for which I am sure I would not be able to win it all if I did not include this card. Saving Wilyador, deal 1 damage to all, etc. are easily countered by this card. It is an expensive card, but guess he is worth all 3 resources.

Wizard Pipe (2x) Together with Bilbo Baggins, you have 3 possibilities of drawing a pipe. Wizard pipe is essential for playing the required cards.


A Test of Will (3x)

Cancellation 3x! Does not need any additional info.

The Galadhrim's Greeting (2x)

2 Copies to reduce your threat by 12. A normal games takes about 10-12 rounds, so If you don't raise your threat by 3 on average you should be fine.

Word of Command (2x)

A great card!! Fetching what you need at a specific moment for just 1 exhaust and 1 resource is great.

Player Side Quests

Gather Information (1x)

Just in line with Word of Command, it's great to look for that one card that you need. By completing this side quest, you might also trigger the Rider of Rohan which is a nice addition.

Keep Watch (1x)

Similar to the statements made on the Vigilant Dunadan, quite useful but not essential. It might be better to replace this with Double Back.

Send for Aid (1x)

Finding an ally for free is great. Especially if you find that ally the scenario requires, Firyal, Beorn, Warden of Healing, Elfhelm etc.

The Storm Comes (1x)

Great sidequests that helps you on smoothing the resources of your 3 heroes. If you have this side quest in the victory display, Steward of Gondor should go to Gandalf.

6. Improvements

After playing through the 20 most difficult quests, you find that the initial build is not the optimal build. But because you have beaten the 20 toughest quest out there, you decide to continue with the campaign instead of resarting with the better deck.

Changes I would make now are:

Gimli (1x)--> Faramir (1x)

The Lonely Mountain provides a real struggle if you cannot improve your willpower. Each character gets -1 willpower, which reduces your willpower quite heavily.

Vigilant Dúnadan (1x) --> Arwen Undómiel (1x)

A second copy of Arwen, makes your early game more reliable.

Changes I could make now are:

Vigilant Dúnadan (1x) --> Warden of Healing (1x) /Celebrían's Stone (1x)

Don't know if it's needed. The 3 attack on the vigilant dunadan makes this a tough choice.

Keep Watch (1x) --> Double Back (1x)

I want to have 4 sidequests, such that the riders of Rohan are reliable. Double Back might be the better choice.


Sep 16, 2018 Nike Laos 36

Congratulations on your achievement and determination to complete the whole ordeal!

Sep 16, 2018 Pavic 37

What do you mean when you indicate that you use Saruman and Mariner's Compass to release guarded cards? I only ask because the FAQ says, at least in terms of Saruman, that if you treat a card as out of play, you also treat all cards attached to it as out of play, so the guarded card can not be claimed. What am I missing?

Sep 17, 2018 Seastan 42680

@PavicFrom the FAQ:

Q: If I use the Response effect on Saruman (VoI 3) to treat an encounter card guarding an objective as out of play, does that mean I can claim that objective because it is free of encounters?

A: No. When a card is considered to be out of play, each card attached to it is also considered to be out of play. Because objectives with the Guarded keyword are attached to the enemy or location that is guarding it, if that enemy or location is considered to be out of play, the guarded objective is too.

So Saruman can't be used to claim objectives, but in some cases you just need to have no unclaimed objectives in play (like in Storm on Cobas Haven) so he still works there.

Mariner's Compass might work to claim objectives, but you might have to put the objective in the discard pile rather than back in the staging area (just thinking about what you'd do if you used Mariner's Compass on a location with a player attachment like Power in the Earth - I'm pretty sure the attachment would go in the relevant discard pile rather than stay in the staging area unattached).

Sep 17, 2018 Seastan 42680

I think FAQ 1.17 gives us the answer that Mariner's Compass does in fact work the way we want. After the location leaves play the objective would go back into the staging area unguarded.

Sep 17, 2018 perseflamme 67

Congratulations Jban ! That's a big deal !

Sep 18, 2018 Thanee 144

Nicely done, jban! :-)

Sep 18, 2018 死锁 289

Good job! But....

In The Treason of Saruman Saga Expansion,there is a text :"When playing the scenarios in The Treason of Saruman, the players cannot use any ally or hero card with the title 'Saruman' or 'Gríma.'"

So I think your deck might be illegal in those quest.

Sep 18, 2018 Raiderjakk 58

Everyone's a critic. Lol. Admirable work! If it works basically unchanged for 90% of the quests that's good enough for me.

Sep 19, 2018 jban 950

@死锁For each quest in which an Enemy/objective is assigned to be part of the quest. I considered the copies in my deck to be dead cards but they remained part of the deck. So I stuck to a 50 card deck and nothing is changed. If I draw one of those cards I'm just unlucky since I cannot play them, which is probably even making things harder.

Sep 26, 2018 Rouxxor 1774

Nice job! Have you recorded how many tries it take to you to win each scenario? It is interesting for many reason: compare the one deck strenght and weakness, having a global idea of what are the most difficult scenario of the game... Since I get to use the Seastan records many time I will welcome another one with great satisfaction :).

Sep 26, 2018 Rouxxor 1774

I just found my answer by myself: it is on each quest log. Have you already make a spreadsheet of all of them? If you don't I will do it (for my personal use ^^) and post it here right after.

Dec 03, 2018 Rouxxor 1774

Since you ask me for news I do the speadsheet here:

Aug 12, 2021 Truck 1416

How far did this deck go? Did it beat Rhovanion and after?

Aug 12, 2021 ahez20 113

How did you attach A Burning Brand to Gandalf?

Aug 12, 2021 Thanee 144

His own ability allows him to have all "printed" sphere icons while playing a card from the top of the deck.

Aug 12, 2021 ahez20 113

That makes sense! Thank you!