A Path Less Travelled: The Uruk-Hai

Inkling 70


I have decided to start a variant on the Saga Campaign. Personally, I felt the strict hero requirements for the majority of the official saga campaign to be more frustrating than fun. My main goal is to balance theme with overall fun for playing each of the quests in the saga all while using as many new cards and archetypes as possible.

2p fellowships will be set up so that one main deck is more strict to the theme of the quest and the other deck is more for support in which it creatively follows theme to some extent but also focuses on trying out new cards and archetypes.

I really don't like this quest. I don't like any quests that messes with heroes from the start. Having 2 heroes is such a disadvantage. So I went with a power hero support Noldor deck with Elrond/vilya and Arwen/Elvenlight comboes. This allowed acceleration in resources, card draw and ally spamming to get things moving. Mulligan hard for Vilya everytime. If you also have elvenlight and/or imladris stargazer it's a bonus.

The other deck I tried to convert an unlikely friendship to an unlikely alliance! The last alliance contract was mainly used as a means of resource acceleration to get the silvans and dwarves out fast. I think last alliance contract is far better when working with three heroes, but it was fun to try.

Captured heroes were Pippin and Celeborn (I could still use Celeborns silvan trait for the last alliance contract to get a dwarf out with one less resource right away).

Boons used were tireless ranger on Gimli and Valiant Warrior and Glamdring on Legolas. I didn't bother using Anduril on Aragorn (never had the resources. Always using Aragorn's resources to ready other heroes).

On to Helm's Deep!