I love this card! It costs 0, it can draw you multiple cards and it can even draw other copies of itself! It even has indirect synergy with hero Radagast, not only because Radagast and his staff let you play the Eagle allies that this card draws you more cheaply, but also because he lets you use Wizard Pipe, so you can put an extra Eagle from your hand on top of your deck (hopefully swapping it with a non-Eagle) and then add it back to your hand right away. Goes without saying that it's useless unless you have a deck full of Eagles, but otherwise it's a 5/5 from me.

My problem with this card is the same problem you run into with "one-shot full heal" items in video games: you would rather use your cheap or reusable healing items over your expensive or rare ones even if the rare ones are more effective, so you save your "one-shot full heal" items until you reeeeally think you need them, and then you beat the game without ever having used them. Which is the same way I feel about healing events like this and Beorn's Hospitality in LOTR LCG. Except for a very few specific quests, I would want repeatable healing like Self Preservation or Warden of Healing over event-based healing in almost every case, because even though they heal for less, they can continuously be used and you don't have to pay for them every time you want a heal.

I don't think I'll use this card very often, even in a dedicated Eagle deck. I don't see a lot of good uses for it. Maybe it's useful if you can't pay the resource cost to keep a Vassal of the Windlord or Winged Guardian in play, because you can play it in the action window that comes between combat damage and the attack ending and then pay the resources to put it back into play next round. I guess it also powers up your Eagles of the Misty Mountains whenever you want, but that seems like a waste because you lose the Eagle that you returned to your hand. Admittedly it does seem cool to pick up and play Descendant of Thorondor over and over, but that's expensive unless you have cost reduction like Radagast's Staff (which came out near the end of the game's life cycle and this card came out near the beginning). So I guess if there were more cards that cared about when Eagles entered or left play (kind of like a Tactics version of what the Silvan play style ended up being), then maybe this card would have been more useful. But as it is, the card isn't that great.

Very intesting card to include in Gondor Decks, because basically for a price of 1 Resource , you could defend 1 additional attack boosting +1 Defence (so normally you are going to use it when you have to deffend current attack and a future incoming attack). Specially shining in scenarios when you have to defend against powerful enemies which are immune to player card effects (witch king, nazguls, etc).


I discovered a fun combo for this guy in a hero lineup of Hirgon, Mablung and Aragorn as follows:

  • Quest successfully w/Hirgon and play the Knight for 2 resources (you may choose whether or not to give him +1 )
  • Immediately engage an enemy, triggering the following: 1) Mablung gets a resource, 2) the enemy gets -1 , 3) Knight of Minas Tirith attacks for effectively up to 4/5

Best case scenario, you have eliminated an enemy by spending a net total of 1 resource and you now have a strong, durable ally on the table moving forward. Very fun for taking out Harbor Thugs and similar foes!

yea you found a cornercase-szenario where it may be good. but you need a restricted set of heroes to do that and have to quest succesfully with a mono-tacticdeck. could be of some use in multiplayer, but for monotactic i think there are better options. but, not bad tinkered ;) —
All true. I definitely was playing a lot of Against the Shadow battle/siege quests when I found this :) —