Very intesting card to include in Gondor Decks, because basically for a price of 1 Resource , you could defend 1 additional attack boosting +1 Defence (so normally you are going to use it when you have to deffend current attack and a future incoming attack). Specially shining in scenarios when you have to defend against powerful enemies which are immune to player card effects (witch king, nazguls, etc).
I discovered a fun combo for this guy in a hero lineup of Hirgon, Mablung and Aragorn as follows:
- Quest successfully w/Hirgon and play the Knight for 2 resources (you may choose whether or not to give him +1 )
- Immediately engage an enemy, triggering the following: 1) Mablung gets a resource, 2) the enemy gets -1 , 3) Knight of Minas Tirith attacks for effectively up to 4/5
Best case scenario, you have eliminated an enemy by spending a net total of 1 resource and you now have a strong, durable ally on the table moving forward. Very fun for taking out Harbor Thugs and similar foes!
A cheap but versatile auto-include ally in a Gondor deck :
- He's from the main Gondor sphere
- He's an early target for Visionary Leadership, Boromir and Faramir
- He synergizes well with LothÃriel + Valiant Sacrifice
- He increases the flexibilty of the resources thanks to his response
- He's a deck target for the entry effect of Soldier of Gondor
- He's a free chump-blocker or discard target of some treacheries or shadow effects
First review for this card. That attachment is a bit of a niche one, but nice if :
1) You want to build a thematic Scout deck and you lack one Scout hero, or you want to give that trait to another no-Scout helpful hero in a specific scenario, for example to play some willpower boost events like Scouting Party.
2) You do not play a Scout thematic deck but you just need that one of your hero got the Scout trait for playing some good location control cards such as Warden of Arnor, Map of Rhovanion, Mariner's Compass, Distant Stars, or other effective cards like Hunting Party or Well Warned.
First review for this card. Although the flavor text seems to strongly scream for "Rohan!", Burst into Song instead calls for a hobbit deck that would include Sam Gamgee and/or ( MotK) Rosie Cotton, several copies of Song of Hope and Fireside Song, Red Book of Westmarch, and Steward of Gondor.
Burst into Song does not replace Fast Hitch, nor Unexpected Courage, but complements them by occasionally increasing the versatility of heroes in the face of encounter cards that would often require exhausting the characters.
This is an event that also makes the integration of Song cards into the deck more profitable or viable by reducing the opportunity cost of having sacrificed several deck slots for these cards. As such, Forth, The Three Hunters! and a possibly different Song attachment provided for each hero (for example Song of Mocking, Song of Healing, Song of Hope, or attachments of access to other spheres Song of Travel, Song of Battle, Song of Wisdom, Song of Kings), can provide a good opportunity to add Burst into Song to the deck and trigger it around mid-game.