LOTR Saga Elvish support


These decks work really well together. I am not too fond of Fatty, though there were moments where his ability was really handy, but seeing as these decks are for the LOTR saga, I can't use Frodo (which would be my first pick). If you use these decks for any other quest I would use Frodo. Obviously Spirit Merry is also a great choice, but unfortunately my choice of Hobbit heroes are very limited,

A few notes:

1) Add light of Valinor to Elrond. He can then quest and defend/Vylia if necessary. 2) Add one Unexpected courage to Galadriel and then Elrond. I usually choose Galadriel first to gain the benefit from her ability twice or add her willpower with Narya. 3) Definitely add a fast hitch to every hobbit you deem necessary. Frodo is a good choice (if you use him). My choices are usually Fatty, Merry and Sam. 4) You NEED a hobbit pipe in your opening hand for the spirit deck as this is your main card draw mechanic. Either have the pipe or better yet if you have Bilbo 5) Steed of Imladris helps with location control and to get rid of unnecessary cards. 6) Dagger of Westernese are mainly to boost Sam and Merry's attack. 7) Get a hobbit pony on Sam because he quests for a lot, but you often want him to attack if the Spirit deck gets an enemy. 8) Keep your threat low as to maximize the Hobbit abilities.

Please feel free to comment on these decks and give me some advice. This will be my first attempt at the Saga quests