Aragorn Rides with Rohan


This is based on the Ready Riders fellowship made by Pirate Bahm (link below). I found it quite effective, but wanted a pure Rohan version that's still effective. I was able to remove most of the non-Rohan content, but Aragorn is indispensable - besides, he did ride with Rohan back in the day (not just in the main series), so I'm okay with that. I'd still like to replace Idraen with Fastred somehow, but just can't get him to work nearly as well.

The Spear deck engages most of the enemies, while Erkenbrand from the Shield deck (with an Armored Destrier or two) blocks for them. Use Aragorn's ability to play all kinds of mischief - such as use Westfold Outrider to engage a weak enemy before resolving questing, have Aragorn kill it with Quick Strike and pull in a SECOND enemy, so neither of their threat amounts counts towards quest resolution. Or when sailing, leave a high engagement value ship in the staging area during engagement, kill some other enemy with Aragorn during his normal attack, then engage the ship and its boarding party, none of whom get to attack you this turn (but you can still attack them).

Honestly, though, while I've changed some of the cards, the core strategy is identical to Pirate Bahm's, so I recommend you read his excellent write-up for strategy and attachment assignments. Use his decks if you want something more reliable, or use my decks if you want something more thematic.

Ready Riders by Pirate Bahm: