Thematic - Flight to the Ford


This fellowship was designed to be as thematic as possible for Black Riders. My wife played the Aragorn deck, and I played the Hobbits.

Aragorn has become our primary defender in the saga campaign. His usual toys like Celebrian's Stone and Sword that was Broken allow him to quest powerfully as well. Glorfindel pulls double duty during the quest and as an attacker, as soon as you get Light of Valinor. Gildor was just a toss-in hero to keep the deck two-sphere, and be a strong questing hero with some available card draw.

The Hobbits are typical Hobbit stuff. Sam and Pippin always quest and Pippin allows Asfaloth to enter play for Glorfindel, and Song of Wisdom/ABB goes on Aragorn. Any later songs usually go on Sam as he also defends for this deck, and Frodo to use some of his resources. I use A Good Meal and Out of the Wild to pull enemies from the deck whenever possible, this usually reduced the number of Nazgul we had to face during the quests. Also, Gildor's Counsel on the sideboard was available for lowering the number of cards revealed during questing, also using A Good Meal to make it cheaper.

We defeated Flight to the Ford without having to kill the Witch King, as he had a Black Steed that sent him back to the staging area after attacking, so with Celebrian's Stone, Sword, and 2x Frodo's Intuition, we powered through to the 30+ progress.

Aragorn gained the Tireless Ranger boon, since we were committing him to defense, he'll benefit from the +1 , and will also likely get Anduril during the next quest to maximize that defending combo.