This card ranges from mediocre at a single Spirit hero to exceptional when you control 3 (printed) Spirit heroes. Where many other quest-only characters that give 1 willpower per resource cost (such as Escort from Edoras, Galadhrim Weaver, and Galadriel's Handmaiden) have a single hit point and are easily killed, Pelargir Shipwright can handle some punishment. He can even defend and survive an attack here and there, which is always helpful in a mono-Spirit deck. It's a straightforward but powerful card that is almost always worth including in a mono-spirit deck, and is still worth a look in a 2-spirit hero deck.
Pelargir Shipwright
Cost: 3.
Gondor. Craftsman.
Pelargir Shipwright gets +1 for each hero you control with a printed hero resource icon.
"It is forty leagues and two from Pelargir to the landings at the Harlond..."
Aragorn, The Return of the King
Aragorn, The Return of the King
David A. Nash
Assault on Osgiliath #86. Spirit.

And especially in a Caldara deck!
Wandalf the Gizzard