Legends of the Light

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.
Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Christian_Medic 985

I have taken this deck through every quest of the Saga Campaign Solo and One-handed except Mount Doom (had to trim allies and cards for that one). It starts at a high threat but it can quest massive, fight hard and play lots of its high-cost cards with Vilya. Also I never get bored of this deck, there are so many cards that it always plays differently with different strategies and themes able to be pursued depending on what you start with.

With the deck-searching cards, 3 copies of Vilya, and eventually Old Bogeytales you have lots of chances to to get the Elrond's ring in your starting hand. Gandalf's Pipe is also a great card to help with the combo and you'll need lots of threat reduction but thankfully there is plenty of options, and also you blaze through quests with the willpower on these Legends of the Light.

Some cool combos here:

-Word of Command/Gather Information to search the massive deck for exactly what you need. -Boromir/Wiglaf + Wild Stallion/Sword-Thain really helps with the combat game. -Fall of Gil-Galad on Treebeard, use his power to kill him if your threat is getting to high and then Fortune or Fate or Landroval to get him back into play. -Path of Need + Henamarth Riversong literally saved me in almost a third of my games. Playing solo one-handed meant I could plan my questing power pretty well to keep this card in play for a few rounds to be able to turn Treebeard into essentially a better Boromir and defend against everyone and attack back with massive hits to clear the board. Worked best with Helm's Deep when you didn't want to clear/couldn't exlplore locations.


Jun 23, 2019 Denison 633

100 card deck! 40 threat! Soloed a campaign! My head is spinning. I might have to try this out to see it in action.

Jun 23, 2019 Christian_Medic 985

It's pretty awesome, you need Vilya to start with and helps to have Wizard's Pipe and threat reduction early on. I chose the boons to make Gandalf Noble and when he quests successfully to gain a resource which helps a bit too. Lots of fun though!