Erestor the Wanderer

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Erestor the Wanderer 0 0 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Kelfox 231

Fellowship is a stand-in for the new spoiled contract: The Grey Wanderer

Here's a fairly typical example of a Turn 1:

You dig up a Song of Kings and attach it to your hero during setup.

Your opening hand: Celduin Traveler, Steward of Gondor, Resourceful, Rivendell Scout, Gildor Inglorion, A Very Good Tale.

You draw: Steward of Gondor, Timely Aid, Gimli, Elven Jeweler thanks to Erestor

You use the ability on The Grey Wanderer to grant you two resources. You use one of those to play your Celduin Traveler since it does not require a resource match. You play Steward of Gondor and immediately use it to leave you with 2 more resources to work with. You play Timely Aid and get your pick of allies, fortunately for you you are able to drop a Gandalf! You can play your Rivendell Scout for free and a Resourceful with your last resource. Evaluating what you have left, you see that you won't be able to get Gimli or Gildor Inglorion in play so you chuck those to an Elven Jeweler to get her in play and end your planning phase.

During questing, you can quest with Celduin Traveler, Gandalf, Erestor, Rivendell Scout for a respectable 9 . After questing, you can exhaust Gandalf and your Elven Jeweler to A Very Good Tale out 7 resources worth of extra allies, in my case a Faramir and a Ithilien Lookout.

So you'll end turn 1 with 14 threat, with 6 allies on the board for total stats of 13 (able to boost to 17 with Faramir), 11 , 10 . You'll be getting 4 resources per round on Erestor with your Steward of Gondor and Resourceful to ensure in following turns you'll have enough to work with so you aren't losing a lot of cards.

You tend to burn through your deck pretty quickly if you get multiple A Very Good Tales, so if you wanted you could play with more than 50 cards in this deck fairly easily, maybe add in some Will of the West to cycle through what you missed. I've kept it down to 50 cards to try to ensure some good consistency with Timely Aid and the likes.

The Grey Wanderer is certainly an exciting card that started a new archtype, so I'm interested to see what this amazing community comes up with!


Dec 09, 2019 Seastan 42375

Spectacular work. I was trying to build and Erestor Grey Wanterer Deck that chooses To the Sea, to the Sea! as the starting attachment, but this looks better.

With Steward/Resourceful/Contract you'll be generating 6+ resources a round. Are you able to keep up with that kind of resource generation in terms of card draw? You might want to think about Galdor of the Havens to help replenish your hand.

Dec 10, 2019 Kelfox 231

@Seastan, Thanks!

Yeah, I have had some games where I've had resources stack a bit, especially when you get a favorable setup where you get X Resourcefuls and Steward of Gondor on very early. In those cases, I don't always use the Grey Wanderer's ability because of the threat tax, since ideally you'll have Gandalf out and he'll be raising your threat every turn as well. In longer quests, I tend to add in the Woodmen's Clearing to help mitigate that. Galdor of the Havens is a great idea, in hindsight he makes more sense in here than Gimli.

I'm sure you'll be able to think of a much better assortment of cards, I'm very interested to see what you come up with!

Dec 26, 2019 Kelfox 231

Just realized Arwen wont work in here with the non unique requirement of Grey Wanderer. Would sub in handmaidens or galdor there