Sons of Númenor

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Beorn 13402

This is a thematic Gondor Messenger of the King deck that I've designed for multiplayer. Ally Faramir's ability is incredibly powerful, even when he is limited to one ready per phase by the contract. The long-term goal of the deck is to get Steward of Gondor and Blood and Fire attached to big brother Boromir, but Beregond and Faramir are instrumental support. Beregond gives us early game defense, along consistent threat reduction once he has Gondorian Shield or a copy of Blood of Númenor. Faramir teams up with all of inexpensive Gondor allies to provide a decent questing push. With Visionary Leadership and readying via Unexpected Courage, Faramir transforms our motley crew of allies into an army.

Orcrist is amazing on Boromir, especially as it offsets the resource spent to trigger Fire. You can actually end up netting resources from killing enemies. In any case, Steward of Gondor is enough to get Boromir going, so the sword is a nice to have but far from essential. The deck skews heavily to Leadership for only have a single Leadership hero but this is intentional. The idea is to save resources on Boromir and Beregond so that they can use Blood and Fire as necessary. Errand-rider, Envoy of Pelargir, and Wealth of Gondor are all included to help get Steward attached to Boromir as quickly as possible. After that, feel free to send some resources back to Faramir to help pay for allies.

It must be stressed that this deck is designed for multiplayer, so the Gondor allies are at best a secondary priority. If you are playing across from any sort of ally swarm deck (Dwarves, Silvan, Dale) then feel free to use Faramir's ability to boost the other side of the table. Beregond alone may not be sufficient for threat control in some quests, in which case feel free to substitute in Double Back and even some copies of The Galadhrim's Greeting.

The goal was to take advantage of ally Faramir's potent ability and craft a thematic but powerful Gondor deck. I didn't necessarily want to make another Blood/Fire deck but the Gondor allies are still somewhat underwhelming, so Volton Boromir remains a much more consistent option than relying on conscripts to step up. I hope you enjoy this thematic take on a relatively powerful Gondor deck.