The Lonely King

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Jtothemac 476

This deck is inspired by a couple of self-imposed challenges:

1) Build a reasonable Grey Wanderer deck that does not utilize Strider, as obvious a candidate a card for this deck would be (even if not chosen as the free attachment)

2) Do not use The One Ring (a good chunk of the decks with the grey wanderer use it since the threat elimination level is usually not an issue)

3) Make it versatile enough that the "free attachment" following the starting hand/mulligan might change depending on what cards you draw.

So that's how I settled on a Theoden solo deck. Half the cards are allies, all but two are rohan (Wild stallion is included to thematically give a mount to the allies). He can pay for all of them, with a -1 discount, which makes it great. Gamling is the most important one to try and recur them and their abilities.

The attachments are a little tricky. I am not going to say which one to pick for your free play because it honestly depends on what your opening hand looks like. If you manage to draw Guthwine and Reforged in your opening hand, I would pick Protector of Lorien. If you are flushed with allies, Horn of the Mark is a good one to keep them coming. All events? Leaf Brooch keeps them cheap. I don't think Snowmane is a great pick, as we have three free breeders who can usually fish it out for you. Golden Shield is another good option for the free attachment as that will be difficult for you to get into play (similar to Guthwine -- shame you can't choose that one).

I am worried a little bit about how this deck works with attack power. Guthwine + Herugrim gives you some, but not a ton. I'm certainly missing The One Ring + Strength and Courage here, but a deal is a deal.

Anyway, let me know your thoughts!