location explored (argorn_s, arwen thurindir)

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location explored (argorn_s, arwen thurindir 0 0 0 2.0
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doomguard 1982

doomguard has a newer deck inspired by this one: location explored (argorn_s, arwen thurindir

aragorn stands for spirit-aragorn, banner for thorongil.

start with gather information => search thorongil. give aragorn tactic or lore depends on the adventure (if you need threadreduction choose lore, else tactic), mostly tactic, perhapbs not needed early, first clear the locations, later the enemys. with Elf-stones expensive allies become cheap. carddraw with elvenlight and deep knowledge.

hidden way and dunedan pathinder helps to get more locations, that can be explored with aragorn, tracker, asfaloth and outrider. with west road traveler you can switch a location, that has an elfstone in the staging area and explore it there.

the hammersmith regain an elf-stone or miruvor


  • perhaps add meneldor, and pay with tacticaragorn later or elfstone.
  • perhaps more hammersmiths
  • perhaps more dunedain pathfinder

with glorfindel-hero you would have better use of asfaloth and starts with less thread, but cannot achieve more ressources.


Jul 12, 2020 doomguard 1982

have add 2 silver circlets, either aragorn would rarely put progress on locations.... discard a blade and a maiden