Took Blood

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Joto Baggins 45

Took blood from them. Took blood in me.

Hello everyone!

This is a Forth! The Three Hunters deck I put together with a focus on my favorite people of Middle Earth. But not just ordinary Hobbits, mind you, but those with Took blood running in their veins. Since I was a kid (being on the small side) I fell in love with Hobbits. But I always wanted them to be grand warriors as fierce as any man, dwarf, or elf… Now that I am grown (though still rather smol) I appreciate Hobbits more for what they truly are. Peace loving and simple folk… That being said, they are yet capable of extraordinary feats. They are hardy and lucky and brave. Some have even slain trolls! This deck allowed me to play around with my beloved Hobbits as sneaky, hardy, adventurous Hunters. Because after all, many Tooks have been known to be rather… odd.

I have played solo and in doubles and it can hold its own in both with minimal changes.
It has beaten Conflict at the Carrock, Journey along the Anduin, and Danger in Dorwinion in two player (although CatC saw the player 2 die a horrible death at the hands of 3 grubby trolls, leaving 4 trolls for me to handle alone). And it has beaten Journey Along the Anduin and Danger in Dorwinion solo (And I plan to beat back many more servants of the darkness with them!). The deck handles well in my humble newbie opinion. It is simple, but powerful. And most importantly, thematic and fun.

The Deck:

  • Uses The One Ring to help fulfill the contract and the low threat of hobbits to bide time until you meet that end.
  • Can Quest upwards of 18 willpower (end game) with solid readying from turn one.
  • Location control via Explorer's Almanac. (First time using it in a deck, and I freaking love it now)
  • Specializes in direct damage (or Taking Blood, if you will), but also packs enough heat to kill conventionally. Up to 7 direct damage (3 damage before opportunity to resolve attack) in one round on a single target (Via: Bilbo questing ability, Sting/Spear defense, Sting attack, and Pippin Keen Longbow attack). Single hero attack power = 6 (not counting direct damage).
  • Strong card draw. (Often will draw through entire deck)
  • Cheap. So you can play most the cards you draw fast.
  • Defends in the 2-5 range on turn one and up to 8 once fully setup.
  • Does not have sentinel, but does gain ranged.
  • Built in healing with Forth! The Three Hunters Contract (and the One Ring/ Well Preserved).
  • Deck is vulnerable to treacheries and shadow cards. However, many miss by virtue of simply having low threat.
  • Deck has low threat.
  • Fast, Fun, and Consistent! (the card spread is simple)
  • Thematic! dodgy hunters knifing and shooting to bring big foes down.

The Game plan:

  • Frodo: One Ring, Well preserved, Red Book of Westmarch,
  • Pippin: Keen Longbow, Dagger of Westernesse
  • Bilbo: Sting, Spear of the Citadel, Dagger of Westernesse x2 (Not restricted: Golden belt, Fast hitch x3, Hobbit cloak, Dunedain mark (x1-3)

I do my best to avoid using Frodo’s ability first round so that he has the 2 resources ready for The Red Book when it comes (Once he has that, always use ability when possible to ready Bilbo. Use on Pippin in late game after he finds his bow and Bilbo has enough fast hitch). Fast hitch on Bilbo as soon as possible. Sting out soon also, but only if enemies under control. Round Shields are for filling gaps if having problems flipping contract (and boosting questing once you have).

This deck plays simply and quickly. Put Expert treasure hunter on everyone and say “attachment” (unless you really really want an event). Use Drinking song and Heed the Dream to fish for missing pieces of the pie. Use Keen as Lances to do whatever you need it to do (I typically use it to grow my hand so when I go Drinking, it’s a bigger party).

End Game Usage: Bilbo blocks everything, then attacks when he’s done. Pippin supplements with his bow. Frodo is on mission control (questing, threat reducing, resource generating, and readying) with the Book and the Ring.

Modifications: MASTER CARD CHOICE: I love getting to choose any one master card at the beginning of the game (when putting the final touches on the deck).

  • Use Well Preserved for any direct damaging when revealed effects (looking at you Dol Guldur Orcs…).
  • I used Power of Command to bear the early game questing burden in 2 player because my wife likes the color red (this slows down the deck though because you need leader-sources).
  • Start with The Master Ring if you are a-scared of treacheries.
  • Use The Ruling Ring if afraid of enemies with low engagement cost coming for your vittles before you’ve got the means to defend them.

Why I love this deck: Hobbits

"Hobbits really are amazing creatures, as I have said before. You can learn all that there is to know about their ways in a month, and yet after a hundred years they can still surprise you at a pinch." -Gandalf

Thank you all for reading. Be warm and well fed, my good and respectable Hobbits.