Solo deck for 1.5 Conflict at the Carrock

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Card draw simulator
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prancingPWNy 2

This quest has 6 fearsome trolls and a firepit to roast our heroes in, so the key strategies and components are:

GIMLI: Song of Kings, 2x Citadel Plate, Thicket of Spears to assign perfect amount of damage to him, Quick Strike to one-shot trolls once fully buffed LEGOLAS: Dwarven Ax, Blade of Gondolin. Have him always attacking and destroying enemies - this is how he quests BILBO: Just enjoy that extra card draw.

Bilbo and Gleowine draw cards fast, allowing to find key components. Rivendell Minstrel to get the Song of Wisdom and Song of Kings fast; Sneaky Gandalf to keep threat low and help with questing; Miner of the Iron Hills in case you get Sacked! Snare and Feint for dealing with the trolls, making the final showdown easy.

This deck works very well and it is pretty self-explanatory. It does great against giant military threats, but can struggle against location lock (I was able to overcome it however). I was able to completely dismantle the trolls by coming in just under threat and picking Louis off first, then in first encounter with the remaining 3 trolls I had plenty of blockers to take the attrition and allowed Gimli to take undefended attacks - buffed him all the way. In the following round I threw 2 Feints and 1 Snare, one-shotting a second troll. Next round I had the resources to Snare the final Troll, giving me GG.

The main weakness is vs. locations, but it can still do well enough thanks to the 1 cost 1 willpower swarming of Henamart Riversong. Rivendell Minstrell is also great for questing, of course as is Gandalf. But Legolas sniping enemies is the other key way to progress. In my playthrough I saw all the right cards thanks to the draw. Overall a powerful deck, perhaps I would make changes to increase its questing potential, which is its greatest weakness. This is a great deck that I will keep around and tweak at will.


Feb 16, 2021 DoctorWhomst 21

Why does this deck have Thicket of Spears? You have no way to play it, as you've only got two heroes.

Great deck, just thought I'd point out the Thicket of Spears problem.

Feb 16, 2021 prancingPWNy 2

Yep! I realized that a day or so after I wrote this list, and thought "man I should change the decklist on ringsdb" to avoid exactly this, lol.