3 hero strider mount deck.

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Card draw simulator
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serre 115

Aragorn: -> roheryn + 1 attack + 1defense -> star brooch + 1 will -> celebrian stone + 2willpower +1 willpower from elfhelm if mount -> sword that was broken + 1 willpower -> sword of numenors + 2 attack -> dunedain marks + 3 attack

so aragorn will have 7 willpower ; 9 attack ; 3defense ; 5 hitpoints that's nice, adding strider to the deck for 2 more willpower :)

eowyn: -> windfola + 2 willpower -> steed of imladris

so eowyn quest for 6 willpower + her ability( elven lights and duplicates enough to throw down in discard pile)

elfhelm: --> armored destrier --> steed of the mark

so with 3 heros you're able to pull of 7 willpower for aragorn, 2 for elfhelm + 6 wilpower of eowyn (7 if uses her ability) + 2 willpower of strider attached to 1 of the heroes. so you can quest for about 15 - 18 willpower with 3 heroes :)

in attack aragorn will be your's truely :) with roheryn and fully setup you'll have 9 attack that's a free quick strike :). ofc it will take time to setup this combo to add all the attachments on the heroes.