Gandalf Build

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

iboyd13 1

In Progress

I've only tested this build out in the first 4 scenarios of Angmar awakens in multiplayer games (3 players) thus far. It's been a blast and I haven't struggled all that much (My friends on the other hand, not so much... haha). I feel like this deck isn't quite the way i'd like it yet, maybe about 3-4 cards off from being THAT deck. At first I was intimidated to play Gandi because of how high his threat was and playing around his card effect seemed like... Alot. Which, don't get me wrong, it will take you some games to really know how to play him, if you've never picked him up before. However, what i've come to realize with time playing him is that no other hero in this game can give you the same experience that he can. Especially when you are able to manipulate cards in your deck (More on this later). You essentially have a 6 card hand every phase and you know what the card on the top of your deck is at all times. Meaning, you can plan out nearly an entire round (depending on the scenario) just with his ability alone. Ideally higher cost cards you want on top of your deck as then you can use resources from Gandi's pool to help pay for any that are aspect specific. Fortunately, all of his cards are Neutral so getting them into your hand is completely fine. Which is why getting Gandi's pipe can be pretty crucial.

Purpose of Gandalf - The main piece to this build. Out the gate can provide will power, attack, defender or take an undefended attack against an average enemy.

Purpose of Glorfindel - Besides giving access the spirit aspect and low contribution to overall starting threat, he's really just there for provide willpower & attack power. Get Light of Valinor on him and thats all he needs.

Theodred - A Hero that I overlooked for far too long. He doesn't have AMAZING stats, but this guy provides an extra resource to questing character (including himself!) whenever he himself quests. Which plays handily into being able to get key Gandalf cards on the board asap by either paying for them outright. Or by feeding Gandalf/Theodred resources to play cards like Galadriel from the top of your deck (Gandalfs ability) that pull them in