Duo 1B: Silvan

Questlogs using this decklist
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

dhaeman 20

Paired deck with https://ringsdb.com/decklist/view/38861/

Uses released revised content up to Angmar Awakened (core, Angmar Awakened, Fellowship sets, and starter sets)

This deck is built on the power of Silvans, using Celeborn's amazing passive as much as possible. Haldir can be used for early questing. Otherwise, he and Legolas. Haldir's passive is usually in effect, and he can often kill an enemy before they attack (or even engage). Blade of Gondolin from the paired deck gets placed on Haldir and Legolas as they do the majority of the damage between the two decks (with Tactics Aragorn's passive playing a key support role).

Steward of Gondor is a given and O Lorien! is almost always worth 1 resource/turn. I almost always mulligan if I don't draw one of those to start. Other cards are to help the engine get going (Feint and Feigned Voices to delay attacks during the early turns where this deck is most vulnerable) or make it purr (Host of Galadhrim).

The sideboard was mainly used in Escape from Mount Gram due to the campaign effects that disincentivized using too many allies. I rarely used the sideboard allies.