Silvans: Angmar Awakened The Dread Realm Solo (Success)

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The Ring Maker_007 2

This is a weird deck I know and the idea is from another.

  1. What I do is to cut some cards as per revision players' card pool
  2. Having the one ring, inner strength and power of command from my community group and please help to note these are out of god damn revision card pool.
  3. Solo it against the Dread Realm and to be frank it is hard with this deck
  4. You have to be patient and build your army before phase 2, and do not stay too long in phase 1 since some encounter combos are really nasty
  5. I tried this deck against the Dread Realm 3 times. Result: 2-1 (2 win, 1 lose)
  6. Before phase 3 Galadriel is meant to draw one more card and reduce one threat, then her Nenya can be delayed even you have it on your hand.
  7. Thranduil combat action with attachment on Celeborn ( like the O Lórien! and The Elvenking), combined with Quicker Than Sight and The Tree People, Feigned Voices bring elf back and play it again to trigger their "in play effect"
  8. Greenwood Archer, Marksman of Lórien, Naith Guide, Rúmil , etc. are cards you wanna take back and replay again. Greenwood Archer is great to ready a hero and the only Rúmil combined with rangers can direct damage.
  9. Thranduil is the guy to defend and take the burden of the one ring. And I did not attach other attachment of given any effect on him except the two master cards since the one ring wrote he is immune to non-master card effects.
  10. This deck is a cunning and patient guy (if he is a person). Then be patient and do your trick and finally get through Angmar Awakened The Dread Realm!

Anyway, happy to win a buget deck and one reminder is the buget deck is not the very efficient and powerful one. Thanks.