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In Play
Discard Pile
JKorsten 13
Deck I theory crafted for a friend. As of yet, it is unplayed and untested.
The deck is running pretty cheap, with the more expensive cards being either , restricted or both. is your most spendable resource, as your and are preferably saved for Elladan and Elrohirs inate ready.
With 27 restricted items it should be doable to flip the contract on the second round, or third if you get unlucky with your opening hand.
There are 10 cards in the deck that grant you an additional ready. Both brothers have one build in, but it requires them to defend or attack. Since we also want them to quest, they should be first to recieve a ready up item. Elrohir being your defender should be first to have a ready up on the board. If you've saves your resource on him, he can then defend twice and even with more players that should be enough in most situations. If not, Arwen can give him another resource to make him defend 3 times.
To make it through the first round, it is key to have at least 1 ready up in hand on the furst turn.
Arwen is mainly your bank and a dedicated quester. She'll be last to recieve an additional ready, but there should be enough in the deck that she too, eventually, can get one. As she doesn't have high inate or , having her ready in the combat phase is more a luxery than a need. However, once your contract flips she can come out swinging with a Fair and Perilous, which might be overkill on a already build up Elladan at that point.
Slimming down the deck Getting the deck to just 50 cards might be better then running 55 cards. There are a few items in the build that are not strictly nescessary. My first suggestion would be to remove both Rivendell Bows, since it's a strict multiplayer card. Having it could be nice, but most of the time it might not be needed. My next three cards to remove would be 1x Light of the Valinor, 1x Foe-hammer and 1x Elronds Council. This as Light of the Valinor is unique and at 50 cards having 9 ready ups is most likely enough. Elven-Light is your main way of drawing more cards and synergizes really good with Arwens discard abbility, making Foe-hammer more a bonus anyway. And since starting at 29 threat is not that big a deal, Elronds Council is also not needed 3 times.
Changes from build 1: Added 2x Heir of Mardil Upped Fair and Perilous to 3x Added 2x Hasty Stroke Replaced Warrior Sword with War Axe, as the axe is just objectively better if you run more restricted items.