Doomed outlands for solo

Questlogs using this decklist
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Card draw simulator
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The gameplay simulator is an experimental feature and is currently only available for those that support RingsDB development on Patreon.
Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Rouxxor 1767

This is a outlands boosted by all the doomed cards. You want to play all of them (usually on planning phase of turn one, sometime on the end of turn to avoid enemies) and do an Aragorn effect to return back to your initial threat.

So there is the usual stuff of outlands: Hirluin, 3 of each outlands but 1 of Forlong, 3 a very good tale to have even more of them, 3 steward to produce more resources on Hirluin, daeron's rune to draw, a test of will to cancel. All of them are essentials.

Galadriel is a perfect third hero since energy is good to prevent catastrophic treachery and feed well for the most important ally: ethir swordman. Plus make us draw and give two use of every outlands is very useful. The 1 threat reduction is less important since we have Aragorn but is still good enough after his once per game.

We play a few additional allies for their good values: Henamarth because a lot of adventures are more easy when you know exactly how many will put on quest (and he have 1 quest and 1 attack for only one resources), sylvan refugee help when we don't have ethir early and can be sacrified after putting 2 in quest (still for only one). Arwen, warden of healing and quickeam are very useful ally no matter the deck.

Lembas are used to recover from firsts turns blocks with Hirluin and allow some interesting choice on first turns (for killing enemies or block multiple attacks. Elrond's counsel helps us to get low on threat so we avoid enemies (but overwhelm pretty easily their threat. I'm not sure it is very useful. So mean of the west who helps us if we can't avoid a total destruction of our board. It is so catastrophic and hard to recover that I seem not working but sometime it can be enough, and some adventures force you to do that in order to win.