Secrets of Erebor 2

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Beorn 13401

The full article for this deck can be found at the Hall of Beorn blog.


Apr 06, 2016 bzgaming 66

Your hero selection is an ingenious way to deal with the 2 hero problem. I like this a lot, but I agree with your article that it would be best paired with a Dain dwarf deck, otherwise you don't gain a lot from from having so many allies that are dwarves, though there are a few cards that can become more powerful with more dwarves.

I only tried 2-hero secrecy once and I couldn't find a good way to make it work, but this seems plausible at least. Have you tested it much?

Apr 06, 2016 chrsjxn 4887

@bzgaming Two hero secrecy is pretty tough, unless you have ways to mitigate threat or manipulate resources. Leadership is pretty important because of that. Specifically, Resourceful and Steward of Gondor are pretty big, like in this deck and this one:

Or like mine, with Resourceful and Galadriel to manage the threat:

Coming soon, there's a spoiled card, Strider, that will make two hero decks even better. (1 cost neutral attachment, if you have 2 or fewer heroes attached hero doesn't exhaust to quest. If you have 5 or fewer characters, attached hero gets +2 .)

Apr 06, 2016 bzgaming 66

@chrsjxn Yeah I know. I'm looking forward to Strider to help things out, but I'm not sure it's enough. It certainly puts you one step ahead, assuming you can get it out early.

Apr 06, 2016 Beorn 13401

Yes, this deck definitely benefits from Dain Ironfoot (as with any deck featuring Dwarves). There are quite a few cards released since I designed it that will improve it, beyond just Strider. With a starting threat of 16, even something like Deep Knowledge makes sense to get that first Resourceful into play at reduced cost.

As far as testing, I tried this deck against a few scenarios (Journey Along the Anduin being a favorite for testing), and it faired decently. This was 3 years ago, so I cannot make any promises of how it would fair against recent difficult quests.