Faramir's Quality

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WanderingTook 1370

Note: Originally published on BoardGameGeek (https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1514492/deck-featuring-lore-faramir).


A combat deck built around Faramir. It specializes in defense, healing, and damage cancellation.


Lore Faramir has a lot going for him:

  • He has well-rounded stats
  • He has the Gondor trait
  • He has the Ranger trait
  • He has the Noble trait
  • He has in-sphere access to Burning Brand
  • He can muster pretty reasonable attack power, considering he's a hero

This deck makes use of all of these advantages to turn Lore Faramir into a force to be reckoned with.


Mulligan for resource acceleration and Master of the Forge.

In the early game, Erkenbrand will be your main defender, and will need those Dunedain Warnings. Eventually, that role will shift to Faramir.

If you can get a Master of the Forge out, things can really get rolling. Eomer gets Firefoot and the Dunedain Marks, though Rohan Warhorse might be more useful in certain quests. Faramir gets Steward of Gondor, Gondorian Shield, A Burning Brand, Wingfoot, and Heir of Mardil.

Between Wingfoot, and Steward of Gondor+Heir of Mardil, Faramir gets a ton of action advantage. Ideally, he gets to quest, defend, and attack every round.

Between Erkenbrand, Faramir, the Honor Guards, and the Wardens of Healing, nothing is getting through your defenses. Don't forget: If Faramir is swimming in resources, you can use them to get multiple healings out of the Wardens. That's easy to forget, but can make a big difference in certain quests (I'm looking at you, Ettenmoors).


While testing this deck, I paired it with a deck running Rossiel, hence the Keen as Lances. If you prefer, swap them out for Gandalf.


Performs spectacularly against Across the Ettenmoors, provided that it is paired with a good questing deck.