Elves Meet a Man in Mirkwood

LOTR6543 130


This two-player fellowship was designed for the Scenarios in Mirkwood Paths campaign (with or without Dark of Mirkwood expansion). They only use cards from the Revised Core Set and the Elves of Lorien expansions. I found playing with these decks quite fun throughout those scenarios. Here is my strategy:

Elrond deck pumps out loads of allies early with himself and Vilya. This allows him to do most of the questing and engage most enemies. Aragorn deck supports with loads of archers plus bonus sentinel from Aragorn. Finally, when most archers are in play, RĂºmil does a tonne of damage to the boss (aka cave troll, goblin chieftain) for free and then knock him dead later that turn.

Anyway, had fun making these decks, hope you enjoy them.