This is a really interesting card. Supports the dwarven mining strategy, but if you end up with him in your hand (and don't have a way to discard him for gain), then he's either a chump blocker or questing for 1, neither of which is worth 3 cost. I haven't decided if he's worth playing in a deck that's not totally based around him, or whether it's worth building a deck around him. But I'm interested in finding out.
He's cool with King under the mountain.
Sure, and plenty of other Dwarf cards that discard off the top of the deck. I'm wondering though, if how good he is when discarded off the deck truly offsets how bad he when you draw him, and if that value justifies the inclusion of "mining" cards that you wouldn't otherwise use. My feeling is that yes, he is worth it, but I do hate when I draw them instead of something a bit more efficient.
Even if he is in your hand, he becomes a decent questor if you are playing Spirit Dain. He also synergies with Erebor Battlemaster and all the other cards that require lots of dwarves
Mad Morderan
Make that Leadership Dain...
Mad Morderan
With a spirit deck and r
The fact that he is neutral can be very helpful when you’re trying to get out five dwarves to kick off all the dwarf swarm goodness.