A good ally in a general Rohan deck with Horn of the Mark, and a strong centerpiece in two cool combos :

Note that he is neither the best target for Gamling's response, since that last needs the Rohan ally to be discarded (not destroyed), nor the best one for Mustering the Rohirrim since we want him to leave play before the end of the turn for triggering its response.

I used to use Eomund with Lothiriel every turn at the Black Gate Opens, but then Lothiriel got eratta'd —
what errata of #lothiriel do u mean? —
Didn't she used to return the ally to your hand instead of shuffling the ally into your deck? —
no, never as i remember —
She never did so, she always shuffled it back in the deck —
but it is nevertheless good. specially if you use https://ringsdb.com/card/02007 to search him out of the deck. this original content-2-deck-combo made fortress of nurn depending on her to use multiple eomund https://ringsdb.com/fellowship/view/8042 —
Yeah especially since the small size of your deck in Fortress of Nurn means that if you get the wheel going you can do it every round —

The power level of the card depends on the interpretation of the word "total". It is an adjective that describes Bilbo's willpower, attack and defence. If we take into account the entry Qualifiers in the rules reference document on p. 13 "If card text includes a qualifier followed by multiple terms, the qualifier applies to each item in the list, if it is applicable. For example, in the phrase “each ready character and attachment” the word “ready” applies to both “character” and “attachment.”, then The Lucky Number should be interpreted as "Add Bilbo Baggins' total willpower, [total] attack, and [total] defence...", which means Bilbo's stats are added separately to the other character's corresponding stats. If that was meant the other way, I guess the wording would be something like: "Add a total of Bilbo Baggins' willpower, attack, and defence...".

Overall, the Lucky number is an OK card, which you can do without in the Hobbit quests. If you include it, better take care also to include the means to boost Bilbo's stats. In that case i. e. Sting is a must.

Elite with Glorfindel so that you can start with 5 and and then access his 12 Glorfindel killing machine version attacking unique enemies for 7 without any additional weapons or Strength and Courage (useable thanks to ).

I love this card so much, especially on Aragorn —

The site text does not match the card text. "1 Rohan card" vs "1 Rohan ally card"....fairly large difference. I don't know how to submit this for a fix, but figured I'd mention it.

Would be really interesting if you COULD in fact dig for attachments or some of those Rohan events.

Thanks for the heads-up, it should be fixed now —

An introduction to EDH decks

Keep It Secret has no restriction on the number of times you can activate it, meaning you can choose to threat out in the first phase of the game.

Usually this would be totally useless, but with A Perilous Voyage, it allows us to flip the contract in the first planing phase, benefiting early from it's bonuses :

  • Absolute tutoring
  • 3 ressources to play a big card
  • heroes does not exhaust to quest

You also start a race against the clock, because you can't reduce your threat from non-contract effects... but with Beyond the Original Bargain, you can add a contract that has build-in threat reduction : Council of the Wise.

Well, now your deck is totally inconsistent, because you have 100 different cards in it

... and that's how we recreated somehow an EDH from Magic the Gathering

What should i look for ?

You will have one 3+ cost card guaranted T1. That'll be your Commander, the concept which you will build your deck around. For example, Sword that was Broken for a swarming monster questing deck.

Your heroes are not exhausting to quest, so you can use characters with high stats. Glorfindel becomes truly a monster.

Thurindir is also an interesting inclusion, with Gather Information easily completed you can grab another card. For example pick Vigilant Dúnadan with contract, and then Arwen Undómiel or Narya with the side quest.

Some kind of extra draw on your heroes is nice to funnel Council of the Wise : Beravor, Círdan (perhaps with a Silver Harp fetched by Elena?)...

Or you can simply pick Salvaged Supplies with Gather information.


You will probably be in secrecy most of the game.
For example, if i have 30 starting (so 34 with BtOB, 35 after activating A Perilous Voyage once), i will activate Keep It Secret 8 times, ending at 24 and a secrecy limit of 28.

Below a recap for different starting threats :

Heroes threat sum Without One Ring With One Ring
Effective Secrecy limit Effective Secrecy limit
25 20 30 19 28
26 20 30 21 27
27 22 29 21 27
28 22 29 23 26
29 24 28 23 26
30 24 28 25 25
31 26 27 25 25
32 26 27 27 24
33 28 26 27 24

Have a look at the available decks on ringsdb !