This card might be garbage, but it's at least special garbage. This garbage card is the only event in the game that can get a card into your hand without "draw" or "search" as part of the text, which can potentially be relevant when facing certain encounter/quest effects. Granted, King Under the Mountain, Messenger Raven, and Gildor Inglorion can also do this and are almost certainly better than Gandalf's Search in nearly every situation I can think of, but those aren't event cards.
Can anybody tell me what's the different between "cancel 1 point of damage" and "reduce 1 point of damage”?for example , if one of my hero take 2 combat damage, can I use his ability to reduce the damage to 1?
Not too much to say about this card. It's pretty self-explanatory. It is obviously meant to complete the victory display cards. We've had Leave No Trace for adding locations to the victory display after being explored. We've had None Return for adding enemies to the victory display after being destroyed. The trio is now complete with Weep No More! to add treacheries to the victory display after being resolved.
Very clearly designed with the victory display archetype in mind. Works extremely well with Fatty Bolger. In most scenarios, the majority of enemies all share the same trait. Simply get rid of an enemy with Fatty's ability within the first round or two. Now, every time an enemy is added to the staging area (with the same trait as one on the victory display), the opportunity is there to play the shirriff from your hand at a discount. There will be many opportunities to play this card during the course of a game (most commonly during the questing phase). We can also get an enemy into the victory display with cards like None Return and Out of the Wild.
If you can get this card in for the 1 resource, then the stats are simply incredible! 2 on a cheap ally is always great (and the 1 is also nice to quest if needed). The cherry on top is the ranged keyword. One thing about the victory display archetype is that your threat is generally relatively low (in order to play cards such as Out of the Wild, Fear! Fire! Foes!, Needful to Know, Risk Some Light, and Resourceful under secrecy) and don't engage many enemies. This can be fine is solo play, but in multiplayer this can prove to be a problem. The Buckland Shirriff allows the victory display deck to contribute more the combat and be more useful. In my experience, these decks can struggle with combat. Buckland Shirriff and the Horn-call of Buckland help with that.
The devoted keyword is unimportant to victory display decks (which generally use Rossiel as one of the heroes and would therefore be unable to use the devoted keyword on Buckland Shirriff) but expands the use of this card to that of traditional hobbit decks. Even ignoring the ability, 3 resources for a ranged 2 hobbit ally is still a reasonable price. The devoted keyword only makes it easier to play (especially for BOF hobbit decks which can only have 1 hero).
One final thing that I would like to point out is that the hobbit keyword gives Buckland Shirriff interaction with Elevenses, Tom Cotton, Lily Cotton, Raise the Shire, and Odo Proudfoot. Much needed card for the victory display archetype and a welcome addition to the hobbit one as well.
Much like he daughter Rosie, Lily adds her stats to that of another hobbit. One key difference is that Rosie targets hobbit heroes while Lily targets hobbit allies. Rosie Cotton is designed to beef up the stats of the hobbit heroes. Lily Cotton, on the other hand, is designed to get a hobbit ally back into your hand.
She is designed to work well with her husband and son. She gets a hobbit ally a ready and increased stats for a phase, and then sends the ally back to your hand. Of course, you have to repay for that ally if you want to use it again. On the plus side though, this removes any damage (and condition attachments) on that ally, gives the (hobbit) ally a +2 (if Tom Cotton is in play), and activates any "when played" effects on that ally. Any hobbit ally is a great target due to him, but standouts include Bilbo Baggins (for a pipe), Bob (for a mount or Bill the Pony), Cautious Halfling (for a card/scry), Farmer Maggot (for direct damage), Halfast Gamgee (for a resource/resource smoothing), Keen-eyed Took (for some deck tech), Merry (for some easy ), Odo Proudfoot (for another hobbit ally), and Young Tom (for the +5 engagement cost per enemy). We can increase Lily's stats as well for beefed up allies with cards such as Wild Stallion.
This can be used for many situations. In need of some extra attack or lack a character for defending? Lily readies one and gives it more oomph. Surprise encounter card requiring a character to be available (assuming you don't want to use Lily for that task)? She has your back.
Additional note: Can be used with There and Back Again to put a copy of that ally into play from your and or discard pile for cheap. One example could be to use #Lily to ready #farmer maggot for an attack. He then is sent back to your hand which allows you to play There and Back Again to return Farmer Maggot into play for 1 resource, dealing a damage (or two) to an engaged enemy. Savings of 2 resources! All because Lily Cotton allowed the ally to be returned to your hand.