Knight of Minas Tirith

Ally. Cost: 3. 0   3   1   3  

Gondor. Warrior.

If each of your heroes has a printed hero resource icon, Knight of Minas Tirith Tirith gains: "Response: After Knight of Minas Tirith enters play, choose an enemy in the staging area. Engage that enemy and exhaust Knight of Minas Tirith to declare it as attacker (and resolve its attack) against that enemy."

Emile Denis

Assault on Osgiliath #84. Tactics.

Knight of Minas Tirith

We are putting this ally to great use in our 4 mono-sphere Fellowship. It has good value for its cost, with a good attack value (that can even get up to 4 with Boromir's help) and a great Hit Points pool. Even if it's only confined to mono-Tactics decks its ability can be really useful as being able to engage enemies from the staging area (even if you would end up not killing or even damaging them) during the planning phase can be amazing. It can even kill some weak(ened) enemies on the spot, and you can do it for basically only 2 cost if you happen to have Mablung around. There are also other good timing combo I guess (like with Hirgon and Prince Imrahil after the Enemy attacks part of the combat phase).

3 cost for 3 Attack is nothing to sneeze at, even if in most cases, the ability is competely blank. — tomdidiot 77

I discovered a fun combo for this guy in a hero lineup of Hirgon, Mablung and Aragorn as follows:

  • Quest successfully w/Hirgon and play the Knight for 2 resources (you may choose whether or not to give him +1 )
  • Immediately engage an enemy, triggering the following: 1) Mablung gets a resource, 2) the enemy gets -1 , 3) Knight of Minas Tirith attacks for effectively up to 4/5

Best case scenario, you have eliminated an enemy by spending a net total of 1 resource and you now have a strong, durable ally on the table moving forward. Very fun for taking out Harbor Thugs and similar foes!

yea you found a cornercase-szenario where it may be good. but you need a restricted set of heroes to do that and have to quest succesfully with a mono-tacticdeck. could be of some use in multiplayer, but for monotactic i think there are better options. but, not bad tinkered ;) — doomguard 2199
All true. I definitely was playing a lot of Against the Shadow battle/siege quests when I found this :) — ironwill212 1590