10 cards

Name Sphere Type Traits Set
Faramir Gondor. Ranger. Noble. Assault on Osgiliath 81
Sword of Morthond Item. Weapon. Assault on Osgiliath 82
Men of the West Outlands. Assault on Osgiliath 83
Knight of Minas Tirith Gondor. Warrior. Assault on Osgiliath 84
Gondorian Fire Gondor. Assault on Osgiliath 85
Pelargir Shipwright Gondor. Craftsman. Assault on Osgiliath 86
Map of Earnil Record. Assault on Osgiliath 87
Ranger Bow Weapon. Assault on Osgiliath 88
Forest Patrol Assault on Osgiliath 89
Palantir Artifact. Item. Assault on Osgiliath 90

10 cards