I'm a little surprised that Hobbit Cloak doesn't have any reviews, because I think it's incredible. Even if you have just the Core and Fellowship boxes, this card can be invaluable, allowing even a thematic Hobbit deck to defend against the Black Riders without instantly losing a hero if it has to. The in-box Fatty Bolger and, of course, the Fellowship Frodo Bagginses have 2 printed , which then becomes 4 if you're managing your threat properly and are forced to engage with a Black Rider, netting you 1 damage on a hero instead of a whole dead hobbit. With a larger card pool, it becomes even more awesome. The Return of the King box(es) gives you the in-sphere Halbarad and the 3 Tom Cotton. Merry reduces your threat and Pippin gives further enemy engagement cost boosts, and there are, of course, myriad other options to lower your threat to make sure you're getting the full value out of the single resource you spent on this card. And, as an added bonus, it is not even restricted!
Bill Ferny.
That’s all I have to say. I wanted that to be the whole review, but I need 200 characters. I hate Bill Ferny in the “A Knife in the Dark” quest. He stays in the staging area the whole time and raises your threat until you can finally kill him. Son of Arnor lets you engage him and kill him in the first few turns. I don’t care what else he does. This guy lets me settle my personal vendetta against Bill, and thus, I am satisfied.
the response part of this card Seems very difficult to use. How many times are the whole team going to be in secrecy. If you opt in though can each player use is response and action seperately? so they can all benefit from the secrecy 1.
I have used this guy in a deck, crazy at that might seem, back when Zigil Miner gave more money depending on the cost of the dumped cards. In that case Brok being the most expensive card in the game (tied with Beorn) was actually a bonus since I never planned to actually put him into play anyway. Now that Zigil Miner gains no benefit from expensive cards, Brok Ironfist is just binder fodder.
The idea of using him with Helm of Secrecy as some others have noted on this page is an interesting idea. I'm not sure it's worth it, but interesting. I haven't worked with Helm of Secrecy at all, so I am not familiar with the design details involved and therefore I don't know how well Brok Ironfist would fit into that design.