Hobbits Black Riders Saga

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Hobbits Black Riders Saga 0 0 0 2.0
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Fredmans 102

Tryout of the Black Riders Saga, one of two hands.

Crucial cards are: Hobbit Cloak on Sam OR Derndingle Warrior OR Feint Dagger of Westernesse on Merry Fast Hitch, first on Merry, then depending on Threat Sam or Frodo Sneak Attack Gandalf for threat reduction, Farmer Maggot for killing off almost dead enemies Treebeard, for the Ent army to grow faster

A lot of cards are from the Black Riders box, so I include them for theme.

Sam has become a Healer, so I will swap the Expert Trackers for Athelas. I can see Expert Tracker working well with Snowbourn Scouts, but do not want to dilude the theme too much. I am trying out Rivendell Scout, since I do get into Secrecy quite often and it benefits from Lords of the Eldar.

Take no Notice have only been played once in four quests, and is close to the chopping blocks, although it is so thematic and fun that I will probably keep it a little bit longer.