Picking Over The Remains

Questlogs using this decklist
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Derived from
None. Self-made deck here.
Inspiration for
Picking Over The Remains - The Caves of Nibin-Dûm 1 1 0 1.0
Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

Jreilly89 358

Jreilly89 has a newer deck inspired by this one: Picking Over The Remains - The Caves of Nibin-Dûm

Probably one of the best (or worst) parts of this game is playing with a limited card pool. I don't play Progression style with respect to player cards, but I do play with a limited card pool because I will typically have at least 4 decks built and ready to go at any given time. I also typically don't proxy cards unless I'm really in a bind.

With that being said, I wanted to build a deck around cards that are not currently in any decks. That means I may end up with some 1 off cards or weird cards I've not used before.

To start with, I wanted to grab Rossiel and Mablung, two heroes I've always liked looking at, but never actually played. My third hero is Tactics Aragorn. He was another one I've not played much, but his ability helps with killing enemies and his stats are well rounded enough that he can do a bit of everything in a pinch.

Gondorian Spearman, Gandalf, Gleowine, and Henamarth are awesome main stays that are just not in any of my other decks currently. Dunedain Hunter and Fornost Bowman are both decent Tactics cards that have a point of Willpower to help in a pinch, but also the Bowman can help trigger Mablung's ability in the Planning Phase.

Sevret Vigil and Long Defeat look like cards, but I've not used them before. Blade and Dagger are also mainstays that I happened to have a single copy of left over. Citadel Plate is expensive, but with two Tactics heroes and Mablung, I should be able to pay for it easily. Somg of Wisdom is just to smooth out resources if Mablung ends up with extras.

Leave No Trace and None Return should help Rossiel, but are new cards to me, same with Expert Trackers. Feint and Quick Strike are cards I always play with, they just happen to be extras.

Side Quests are still new to me, but Gather Information makes sense to grab some of these one off cards. Scout Ahead should help Rossiel, but is a new card still.

This deck is wildly untested, but Im hoping to take it through the Dark of Mirkwood and see what happens. It may be great and it may fail miserably.


Apr 27, 2023 Marctimmins89 107

I imagine it'd struggle with questing, but it looks like a combat powerhouse. Rossiel is weird, I've not had much success with her.

Apr 27, 2023 Jreilly89 358

It's done alright, but Willpower is definitely lacking here. I like Rossiel, but I think she's better as a support hero. At least with what I've built here, she's been the weakest part of this deck.