QOTW Elves of Lothiriel

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None. Self-made deck here.
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Card draw simulator
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Gameplay simulator
In Play
Discard Pile

MMeister 2

Elves of Lothiriel

Basic Idea: Lothiriel works best with allies with entering or leaving play abilities > which allies have the most entering or leaving play abilities? > Silvans > Elf-friend to give Lothiriel Silvan trait = Elves of Lothiriel!

Starting Hand: You're looking/mulliganing for Elf-friend! Otherwise a starting hand with O Lorien, some card draw and some allies is ideal.

Gameplan: Get Elf-friend onto Lothiriel asap, slowly build up your allies (using O Lorien's discount) turn by turn. Henamarth allows you to scry and thus put the best/most relevant ally into play each round. Don't feel you have to use Lothiriel's ability every round, especially if you don't have card draw available as she'll blow through the allies in your hand fairly quickly.

Tips and Tricks

1) Elrond's Counsel is playable as Elf-friend gives Lothiriel the Noldor trait!

2) This deck was originally conceived to work with an Eomer-based combat deck. In this set-up I remove the Ancient Mathoms and replaced them with Horn of the Mark. This allows reliable card draw.

3) A nifty trick is to use Tree People in tandem with Lothiriel's ability during the Action Window after 3.4 Quest Resolution: the ally Lothiriel puts into play for free thus quests then after quest resolution but before the end of the phase, is returned to hand via Tree People (not shuffled into deck!) but puts another ally into play for free. You get 2 entry bonuses, a questing ally with +1 WP and then another ally ready for combat with +1 attack/defence and all for free with just one card (Tree People) required!