Army of Elrond

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Jreilly89 419

I've been wanting to make this deck for awhile. Elladan and Elrohir are great together and Bond of Friendship lets you grab two other heroes to fill the gaps.

Eowyn is a huge resource generator and can spread the resources around to help other spheres. Erestor is there for card draw and has good stats to help with questing, attacking, or defending in a pinch.

Elladan gets all the attack stuff, Eowyn gets the Steed and Harp, Erestor gets a leftover Blade, and Elrohir gets the Citadel Plate and Warnings.

Threat is a concern, so Favor of the Valar, Woodsmen Clearing, Keen As Lances, and Gandalf, can fill in.

This deck doesn't run a lot of allies, but has multi use heroes to make up for it.


Mar 09, 2025 kattattack22 866

Orcrist is a great with Elladan. Destroy an enemy get a resource and ready him. Rinse and repeat.

How are Defender of the Naith and Guardian of Rivendell working for you? I would think with Elrohir that wouldn't need secondary defenders.