SideQuest/Secrecy and more!

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Spellpierce 33

Inspired by jamjams32 released Sidequest Deck, that is looking so cool i theorycrafted this Sidequest / paired with Secrecy Deck. I couldnt test it so far, but i think this must work very well.

What i think should be done is:

  1. Most time take Rally the West with Thurindir. After this is done you have a 5 Quest Eowyn, a 4 Quest Glorfindel that doesnt have to tap for questing when equipped with light, and a 4 Quest Thurindir (13 Questpower by 10 Startthreat).

  2. Res. Generation: The Cost of the most cards is very low, so i think it should work this way. Only Rescourceful is added ... i think this is set as a secrecy Deck.

  3. Block: is done by Eowyn after she got her shield
  4. Attack: Depends how the Game runs divide the Attachaments to Glorfindel and Thurindir. When done a sidequest, better two, Legacyblade should be what you look for. Dagger of W. should by +2 a long time because of the low Startingtreat.

Maybe 4 sidequests are too much... no Problem there are so many other options!

1 more Hier of Elendril (such a powerful card) 1 more Test of will 1 or more Gandelf could be a good option for mid/lategame Treatred. or carddraw but without sneakattack/ressource generation maybe clumpy 1 Feint 1 Coney in a Trap both are always save 1 more Golden Shield to get it faster 1-3 Proud Hunters ... this i will try after testing the Deck. Maybe with 3 Proud Hunters you can play this 3 and 4 cost allies that get better when having a sidequest done. They are very good but with the 3 colour setup without proud hunters unplayable i think.

Feel free to comment or give Tipps!

Maybe i missed somethinkg useful for the secrecy Ability.


Apr 19, 2018 jamjams32 1028

Love the deck and the ideas here. And thanks for the shout out :) I’ll sleeve this up and give it a go for sure