Untitled Fellowship
doomguard 2190
heroes are the same in both decks.
i slighty favours the 3 hunters, but only because 3 huntres is cool, and there armore armors of erebor and i love that card ^^
both decks have in common, that folko with hitch is optimal for healing herbs
3 Hunters
in the 3 hunter does not flipping the contract is the main-issue. the main issue is to get gloin an armour (2 plates are enough, so 1 armour is fine with all the other things), boots ring and pipe as fast as possible. i think that does not very hard collide with the ambition to get 2 restricted on these heroes.
with elvenlight, daraons runes and drinking songs it should not be soo hard to realize the search for the items.
meanwhile, when gloin sentinels them, they can improve their questingpower, that con go to (arwen = 3+2+1+0+(3)=9, folko = 2 +3 =5 bifur = 2+3 =5 ) 19 overall.
with legacyblades and bow folko could help with a solid ranged attack and bifur with armour or pipe or boots can defend a medium attack.
the contract helps to get attachements cheap out, that woul cost more (all restricted except legacyblades and hobbitpony)
if you want to reduce the 3 hunters to 50 cards discard 2 reforged.
REPLACE FOLKO WITH GLORFInDEL and the hitches with his light, if more power is needed
this deck improve the healing-capabilities on an repeatable way. that means the usual healers are implemented together with some quester/chump-blocker.
some locationcontrol with asfaloth and imladris steed. these horses are not so difficult to find because of the horsebreeder, these breders or henemarth can chump if needed, and before loosing a hero even the healers can chump.
this deck shines with the early-game-help the Lembas. very good on gloin or treebeard, or evan aragorn if he should quest 1. round or take an attack (perhaps evan undefended)
with this changed deck i would make some minor changes in the other decks:
put in some erebor armor and/or DĂșnedain Signal in the gloindeck so he can defend his friends evan against autoattacks from thaudir or dragons and balrogs
take the song of hope.... it does not care if the card is bad, gain +0-3 can make the difference of finishing e.g. a sindequest, if you are succesfull, if the active location is explored.... yes is not cheap, but gloin should have enough and it is OPTIONAL, if you dont need it, fine, but needing it and not having it, is horrible ;)
if taking the 3 hunters version, keep in mind, that the 2 huntersdecks can help each others out (legacy blades, daggers,...)
if taking the healerverison, consider taking ioreth and glorfindel-ally in