Deadman's Dike


Made from cards from a collection of:

  • Mirkwood cycle
  • Ring Maker cycle
  • Lost Realm
  • Hobbit Over Hill and Under Hill
  • Black Riders
  • a couple of APs each from Dwarrowdelf and Vengeance of Mordor

Basic idea - Eowyn, Glorifndel and ally Gandalf do the questing (the latter also defending if necessary). Galadriel joins in when necessary, otherwise helps with card draw. Erkenbrand defends (beefed up with signals and pipes), Aragorn attacks, Beorn is flexible.

As few allies as possible to avoid those nasty shadow effects, but Eagles are Coming fishes out the eagles quickly before they are used against you, and Treebeard and Saruman are there to help Aragorn take out the boss in a single round.