Last Alliance of Elves, Men, Eagles, Bears and a token Dwarf


Four decks that can be built from one collection and used in any combination from 1-4 players. The Bear deck drops Steward of Gondor x 2 + Warden of Healing. Replace with 2 x Northern Tracker and 1 x Jubayr OR 3 x Hasty Stroke/Sterner than Steel.

Silvan deck drops Heed the Dream as Erestor can access it more easily and play it on any one of the players.

Since they are also designed to Solo, there isn't great synergy between them (e.g. No All dwarves get super-powered, no dedicated questing deck or dedicated Sentinel/Ranged deck). That said, Beregond's Sentinel comes into play, and various abilities can be used on other players' characters if it would prove more useful e.g. Denethor on Imrahil, Radagast's Staff on Giant Bear, 2nd Gondorian Shield on Denethor etc. All decks can quest and fight, though cancellation effects are fairly limited. All four decks are also Ally heavy which may prove problematic in certain scenarios, but was the easiest way to avoid any major overlap of cards.

Credits:- The Gondor Swarm deck is inspired by Seastan's Swarm of Gondor with only minor changes.