Wandering Istari
doomguard 2222
this is NOT a fellowship, that you should play as fellowship. i put them together to discuss them and make it easy to compare them.
play the istari gandalf and radagast as grey wanderer and make big use of the other istari. this is only possible playing the other istari as ally.
benefits and flaws of the decks
both take pipe as default attachement
- can use timely aid as 1. spherecard in the round
- can use pipe for timely aid (e.g. bring the the other istari cheap into play 1. round) or other goals
- radagast supports for creatureplaying (or readying, with narya a big eagle can have 3 actions with +1/+1 same phase)
- benefits
- starts with better stats
- can play from the top and see that card (word of command, runes, timely aid..... offsphere)
- can use shadowfax and courages for more usage (in multiplayer)
- ring makes sense because he should be the main-defender
- flaws
- can only play spherecards as the 1. card or from the top of the deck until radagast (+staff)is there
- radagast
- benefits
- can play green events everytime and creatures sphere-independent
- more creatures in the deck
- gandalf-ally starts with 2 actions (due to the fact, he does not exhaust for questing)
- flaws
- must perhaps decide which offsphere-event he will use this round (timely aid, eagles are coming, flight of the eagles)
- high thread increase from gandalf-ally
playing advice
Try to play timely aid and recourcefull as fast as possible. try to play the epensive istari with timely aid, word of command helps to do that. equip both istari and make use of their abilities. these are good decks, that are multiplayerable, but not high(est) end, but with a good portion of theme.
so, now its up to you, what deck would you like to play running these istari-buddys together? what would you improve?
I have to say I'm partial to the Gandalf deck just because you can eventually use Radagast to pay for the Eagles on his own. I admittedly like Gandalf's tools a little more so I'm also biased there. I say Gandalf, the OG Grey Wanderer!