Rangers and Traps

Aoshi312 113


This fellowship started with the idea of creating a Dunedain Deck that engages lots of enemies that would partner with Faramir to get lots of use from his readying ability. It was intended for combat but thanks to sword that was broken, Faramir readying allies and its ability to swarm in some allies and it actually quests well too!

Then I wanted to created a complimentary deck that would protect this aggressive fighting deck. Haldir seemed the obvious choice to be able to use his ability since Aragorn would be engaging all the enemies. Beregond joined the team mostly because hes a powerful sentinel defender and his tactics allowed me to splash in weapons or Haldir. Finally, I wanted to bring in forest snares to help boost the number of enemies that the Ranger deck could engage so I figured why not bring in Damrod to assault the enemy with traps which will soften them up for the dunedain?

The results are a very fun deck! Ive had a great time with the fellowship. Their one weakness is that they are trap heavy so they dont work as well against quests where traps dont work(looking at you ship quests). Im thinking of building a second support deck that focuses less on traps for those occasions. Hope you enjoy!