A Path Less Traveled: Road to Isengard

Inkling 70


I have decided to start a variant on the Saga Campaign. Personally, I felt the strict hero requirements for the majority of the official saga campaign to be more frustrating than fun. My main goal is to balance theme with overall fun for playing each of the quests in the saga all while using as many new cards and archetypes as possible.

I went all Ents on this deck. Start with main ent deck first player and mulligan for treebeard ally and you can play him first round! Elrond gets the leaders of men boon that adds resources when successful questing AND mablung gains resources when engaging enemies. Couple that resource acceleration with the support deck (described below) and you get a ton of ents out fast!

Gandalf support deck serves to get resources on Elrond (via Arwen discard and Gandalfs staff) to spam the ent allies. Narya can then ready ents early. Readying Wellinghall ents is so powerful with Elrond ability. But keep the ents damaged on the ent deck so booming ents swing for 6-10 attack!

I had some fun with the event cards that require control of two uniquely traited characters. Proud hunters added even more resources to Elrond for Ent spamming and Heirs of Earendil allowed you to discard any location you want out of the way BUT don't want to trigger the wizadry effect (can only be done when support deck is first player and has control of aragorn).

Another tech is to hang on to an entmoot prior to round 2 and then use it in round 2 to ADD cards to your hand without DRAWing cards and triggering Saruman staff.