The Line Unbroken - Return to Mirkwood
Warden of Arnor 6023
The Line Unbroken is my Progression-style playthrough of the LOTR LCG - two-handed, going through each quest using only cards which were available at the time of the release (though following up-to-date rules/errata), and trying to show off as much of the card pool as possible, including for the vast majority of the quests, using the new hero(es) in the boxes where they were released.
These were the pair of decks for Return to Mirkwood.
Youtube playthrough:
(Note that this fellowship was built and played prior to the Horn of Gondor errata)
Hi, I've been working through your line unbroken series and it was going great (Including Massing at Osgiliath) But I was getting frustrated with RtM. I decided (Because I'm playing on easy mode) that Dunhere wasn't really doing enough for me, his only targets really are the two Goblin Snipers. So swapped him for Eleanor and she saved the day when she took out a nasty treachery that would have finished the adventure. Obviously you built this for a normal encounter deck rather than a easier encounter deck (I won't say easy because they are never easy) but I thought it was worth mentioning for those following this series. Keep up the good work and I'll soon be catching up and trying your latest decks (Sand of Harad).