A Journey to Rhosgobel - Nightmare - Progression
nttArc 244
So we had several very quick scoops, one that we played maybe 2 rounds then scoop and then one game that went very smooth sailing.
This, as with most nightmare decks, is not hard in a way that challenges your mind to solve a puzzle but rather hard in that its just more RNG whether you get the worst nightmare cards off the encounter deck.
Our winning game I started with Light of Valinor and Katherine started with The Eagles are coming. Not having to exhaust Glorfindel and getting the Hama/Eagle engine running right from the start helps a bunch.
In fact, I don't think that you really even need any of the healing cards I included in the lore deck, feel free to substitute them for other more useful cards. I had Healing Herbs in play and Lore of Imladris in hand (with resources to play it) as well as Daughter of the Nimrodel on board and we didn't need any of those cards for healing. We healed Wilyador completely with Athelas.
As mentioned before, it just matters how lucky you are with the encounter deck. As long as you have a mild first round (also maybe mild second round) you will easily take board control and sail to a win. Our win was in I think 4 rounds, I forgot to count. If you don't find Athelas then you might have to use the included healing cards or you may have to play for too many rounds trying to find it and take too much damage on Wilyador or lose board control, there are a fair number of "Damage all the things" treacheries and location lock could be a thing as well.
Bottom line, try to go fast and you should have no problem unless the initial round was bad.
I quite liked the original non-nightmare version of this quest but the nightmare one wasn't very fun due to the RNG difficulty.