Noldor/Silvan Fellowship
BionicleMan 14
Mono-sphere Elvish fellowship. Try to use Silvan allies in/out abilities to get Celeborn boost. Elf-Friend goes on Tactics Imrahil first so he can use his ability to pull any ally in that deck to help with attack (Second Elrohir probably for healing with Silvan Tracker). First Elven Mail goes on Elrohir (and Armored Destrider), second on Elrond. Tactics either takes enemies or range attacks them. Try to get as much re-readying and resources on Elrond (unexpected courage, Steward/Heir of Mardil) so he can do Vilya, quest and defend with Burning Brand, and buy lots of allies/stuff due to high card draw of that deck. Get Haldir going with attack boost first, then Legolas/Elladan.
Note - Prince Imrahiil should be tactics version. Also there is some Gondor characters due to not enough Tactics/Leadership Elvish heroes/allies