The Ring Goes South progression
HayashiM 88
I'd wanted to finally have some fun with Outlands (and the Gandalf hero! :) ), so I decided to save the thematic approach for the proper campaign. Besides, Outlands are particularly vulnerable in this scenario, which makes playing them a bit different experience to other quests, I suppose.
The key for this quest is (besides using the Thror's Key often) being aware of where the two copies of Bitter Cold are and adjusting accordingly. The easiest strategy with these decks is having the Outlands deck play Steward of Gondor early, but only play a few allies at first. In the meantime, the EGG deck sets up all three heroes with their attachments and gets Tests of Will ready. The EGG deck can afford to play a lot of allies even in this first stage, because of the Free to Choose option. Expert treasure hunter assures additional card draw, plus if you manage to play multiple Stargazers, you can even play a second copy of it on an Outland's deck hero. Gandalf Staff's effect will mostly help the other deck with card draw as well.
Finally, when the first deck is set up, you have 1-2 Tests of Will in hand and having considered how soon you are likely to see Bitter Cold, pump most Outlands out all at once and roll through. The Watcher is usually a one turn affair with being defended by buffed Elrond and Beregond, only to be attacked back by Hirluin + Black Arrow + Unseen Strike or some ally support.
Of course, all this is the safest path - but the Fellowship works even if you get some Outlands discarded halfway through or take one bump in threat. You shall still reach Moria quite easily.