Breaking of the Fellowship progression
HayashiM 88
...aka The Fellowship of the Traits.
An anti trait-synergy Fellowship, I only limited myself to building with Boromir as I can't imagine this quest without him.
Boromir and Balin become the defenders, both getting the Gondorian shield/Dúnedain warning. Especially sentinel Boromir boosted by Arwen is great. Mirlonde and Aragorn get the Rivendell Bows and thus ranged, while Blades of Gondolin / Daggers of Westernesse can help them with the attack. The self preservations solve some of the archery, I use them on the defenders / Aragorn.
Thrór's key can help a lot with locations that require you to fetch a new enemy as their travel cost. Don't forget to use Frodo's (it's the Black Rider's one again) ability if you can and need to.
On the first stage, quest hard and hope you don't get location/enemy locked. Keep your allies back until you get through Sarn Gebir, so they don't get hurt by its effect. Also, don't forget that when The Argonath is the active location, you skip the combat phase, so you don't assign archery on that round. Similarly on the second stage, there is no travel phase, so River Anduin cannot raise your threat.
On the third stage, the Spirit deck chooses the stage card that discards locations while the Lore deck the one that discards engaged enemies. The Spirit deck has the stronger questing power (even though the Lore deck is also ok once Aragorn get the Sword that was Broken), so ideally try to not discard many encounter deck cards with Lore, improving your chances of Frodo choosing to go with the Spirit deck, who can then sprint to the finish.
MVP's are the usual suspects, I would say in this order: Steward of Gondor, Warden of Healing, Arwen, Gléowine, Gondorian Shield and Blue Mountain Trader.