Beginner Decks for The Fellowship of the Ring (4 player)
MSanto 28
4-player decks for The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion campaign.
My collection is: 1 Core Set, 1 Revised Core Set, Hunt for Gollum Adventure Pack, The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion
The "Stealthy Hobbits" and "Wisdom and Wizardry" are the two starter deck lists provided by the Fellowship of the Ring Saga expansion rulebook. The "Friends" and "Spirit and Support" decks are created by me, by mostly the best cards that were left over. Note that it's a very limited collection, so I don't know how well they will do in a campaign.
If you don't have the Hunt for Gollum AP, switch with similar cards.
Also, these are 50-card decks. I've read that people recommend building smaller decks, especially if you have a smaller collection, so feel free to make any adjustments to the decks, by removing the weakest cards.